I love hearing stories of how others have started their businesses. What made them want to start a business, what drove them and what keeps them motivated every day to come back and open the doors again.
Our story began in 1982. We had helped four struggling businesses come out of the depths of bad decision-making, wrong pricing and positioning and place them on solid ground and into profitable waters. The thought began to take root that maybe I should do this for myself. It wasn’t, however, until directing the fifth business into major growth that I knew it was time to give it a shot.
That was 40 years ago.
Over the last four decades, I have had the honor of working with some of the most talented and gifted people, all of which were willing to take a chance on this long-haired musician with a passion for marketing. They were willing to invest their time and money in allowing me to help them to grow.
The past 40 years has been full of ongoing friendships, frustrations, hiccups and bumps along the way, but the passion and belief in what I do, how it works, and the difference it can make is still what drives me. In fact, my wife and Chief Financial Officer, Donna has always said, “You think marketing will fix anything,” to which I reply, “not everything but if you are in business and people don’t know you exist, it will fix a lot.”
So, what’s in store for the future? Who knows! When I started this business, I was a graphic designer but computers weren’t around. Today, nearly everything we do is with a computer and the messages we send out go well beyond traditional print and broadcast to social and digital. It’s crazy and I love it but the one thing that hasn’t changed is the principles and purpose of what we do.
Yes, many of the tools of marketing have changed but our drive to communicate effectively to people on a daily basis hasn’t. It’s that change that brings me back every day. If you’re ready to get started with your marketing and are looking for an experienced company, request your free quote with us today at marketingcompany.com.