After forty years in the marketing business the number one question that I still get asked is “Which media gets the best results.” The answer is always the same- “All of them.”
No way, you say- but it’s true, all media works if purchased for the right reasons, the right target audience, the right offer, delivered at the right time and in a creative way and the message is given time to work.
Sound complicated? That’s because it is. There is more to choosing a media, making a deal, developing a message and then placing an ad and waiting for the phones to start ringing. For the most part, one of the biggest failures in any advertising media selection is in the companies expectations. Expectations that say I will run an ad once, invest two hundred dollars and I will triple my return on investment.
Realize what the entire marketing effort entails. What we are really trying to do is get into the buyers head in such a way that when they decide to buy, the product or service they will choose will be yours. Have you ever wondered why most media representatives try to sell you an 8 week to 13-week schedule? Yes, part of it is they will make more money, however a bigger reason is that the potential for success increases with a higher frequency- the number of times a reader or listener will see or hear your advertisement. Let’s face it, with all the variations of messages all trying to get our attention at the same time which one are you going to listen to? The answer- the one that is creative and most consistent.
Effective marketing is complex because you are trying to get a buyers attention, in and among all of the other messages they have to sift through to be able to remember your name. The long term issue becomes one of positioning your brand name or product in such a way that your customers will have you on a short list. If they need this product or service will your company be on the short list?
Bottom Line: Don’t plan in a rush or expect miracles each time you place an ad. Know your target audience, promise only what you can deliver, give it a chance to work (minimum of six to eight weeks) and stay within budget. In many cases, most offers can be tracked and a pro forma developed as to how many widgets or how much service will need to be sold to break-even. Why focus on first getting your money back? If you focus first on getting your investment back so you can invest those same funds again and again not on striking it rich, you may find you can stretch your marketing dollars further and make them more effective. Finally, know your sales cycles. I am always amazed at the number of companies whose marketing dollars are spent at a time when no one is buying.
Establish a marketing budget that matches up with your sales cycles. Everyone wants to focus on bringing the valley’s up, yet it is so much easier on building your peaks and watching the valley rise with it. Simply put, market to your customers when they are in the mood to buy, it just makes better sense and more importantly it will help make the media you purchase more effective.
Are you ready to get started with media strategies for your business? Call us today at 812.944.7728.